
OpLaunch can create prototypes of your product or service using technologies (such as video, graphics, animation, and software toolkits) in combination with techniques (such as interface design, instructional design, and assessment) so that you can test and refine your new product ideas.

For an example of a virtual prototype see the OpLaunch publication How to change direction in new product development in 30 days without a budget!.

For a description of using a concept video to gather customer input, see the OpLaunch publication How to improve the early sales performance of 'discontinuous' innovations-the way Vocera did.

Creating and using virtual prototypes of your product or service should be an integral part of your next development effort because they:

  • Permit early visualization of your concepts
  • Facilitate comparative testing of different concepts with target customers
  • Validate marketing concepts before committing additional engineering resources
  • Minimize iteration costs
  • Maximize confidence in the design

Perhaps the most compelling reason to use prototypes is so that a management team or development team can transition from saying "We think our product will..." to "We have tested multiple prototypes and the customer test data shows the following..."

Vision and Version interplay

OpLaunch can create prototypes that will be an integral part of your new product development process and assure you that the adoption potential of your product or service is realistic.

After product introduction, prototypes can evolve into demonstrations for customers that can be used to provide proof of the technical capabilities of your product or to help customers visualize solutions provided by your product.